Month: November 2019

Be your own master: Worker Coops

Chris Wright writes in his book Worker Cooperatives And Revolution “the conceptual starting point of the worker coop is that labor has power over capital, whereas it is the opposite in conventional business. That is, in a capitalist enterprise both ownership and control (and the right to a share in profits) ultimately belong to investors, and voting rights are proportionate to the number of shares of equity held.” I highly recommend his book, it is a great look at their history in the United States, their practices today and he also provides a good theoretical analysis.

Beyond Wages and Profits in Canada

The current economic system serves the employers and much less the employees to be polite. Through their wealth they cement their position in an elite position to continue with the system in perpetuity. They make sure that from 1 tax dollar collected they pay only 25 cents and the employees pay 75 cents. They make sure they accumulate 12% in wealth every year while the employee’s income stagnates. There is an alternative to this.